I am interested in the reports that the WTS is introducing massive reductions across the board – including publishing, meetings, and building. While I welcome these reports, I would like make several observations.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society experienced its death 100 years ago, when one of its founders and second President, Charles Taze Russell died in 1916. In the aftermath, using physical and legal force, Joseph Rutherford laid claim as the new owner of the Society. The Society split into innumerable parts, while Rutherford introduced sweeping changes to his organisation, dropping virtually everything that the organisation had stood for under Russell.
Following Rutherford’s death, Fred Franz held the doctrinal reins, again introducing sweeping changes and reinterpretations of Rutherford’s teachings. The Society has not found a replacement for these minds, and its publications slowly slipped into mediocracy, and it is more concerned with organisational structure and absolute loyalty. Along the way, it too continually introduced changes.
In more recent times, the Society is slugged by the www and by massive financial payments to victims of sexual abuse by its servants. Such factors are draining it financially and morally.
Possible scenarios lie ahead, but one possibility is that the WTS could, given its penchant for fanciful pesher interpretations of Scripture, use an amended eschatology to argue that the downturn shows that the preaching work has been done and this is the very last phase before the very last moment.
I am concerned at the personal level. Many here can testify to the long, slow mental struggle they experienced as they moved away from the WTS’s mental grip. Imagine the widespread trauma should the WTS cease suddenly. Imagine the impact on loved ones. Imagine the impact on those who lost loved ones because of the sacrificial no-blood policy. Maybe the impacts lie beyond the imagination to grasp.
Perhaps history of 100 years ago would be repeated, and many JWs would move to one or other of Russell’s splinter descendants.
Perhaps the WTS’s reinvention of itself will satisfy those who are so brainwashed that they will follow it no matter what the Society tells them.